Mare Hirsch // contours snared, in warp and weft

contours snared, in warp and weft was commissioned by the Johnstone Fund for New Music as one of the winners of their Ohio Multimedia Call for Projects for the Unheard-of//Ensemble (New York, NY). The piece is a collaboration betgween video artist Mare Hirsch and composer Robert McClure.

The piece written in the wake of the death of Finnish composer, Kaija Saariaho. Her music has had a profound impact on Mare and Robert’s creative thinking for many years. The piece is dedicated to her memory. The piece explores melodic shapes and contours that are associated with Saariaho’s music while the electronics, created on modular synthesizer, provide an interactive backdrop to that weaves the four instrumental elements together.

The visuals for the piece explore a dynamically evolving network of particle systems. The underlying forces within these systems impact the paths traced by the particles as they are woven together–repelled by old contours and attracted to new ones.